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Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Online Fundraiser

Written by: Divya Palasamudram

At the start of the pandemic, many families in Wake County were struggling with food insecurity. Sonali Ratnasinghe saw this issue and knew that she wanted to do something to benefit her community during this trying time. She decided to start an online fundraiser for Interfaith Food Shuttle, a nonprofit that is committed to feeding neighbors, teaching self-sufficiency, growing healthy foods, and cultivating innovative approaches to end hunger. Sonali set up a Go Fund Me page, a simple and safe way to raise money, and was able to raise a total of $2200 for Interfaith Food Shuttle!

This project was Sonali’s, our now Executive Director of General Services Foundation, first fundraiser she ever ran. Sonali realized that fundraising was a positive skill set of hers and she wanted to do more of it, sparking the start of General Services Foundation! She knew she wanted to teach others to achieve similar results to her when it came to fundraising.


Sonali promoted this project by connecting with people one-on-one and sending emails to teachers and mentors in her life. She found that people are more likely to donate when they find that the cause they are supporting is meaningful to them and impactful. Promoting this fundraiser was a great way for Sonali to catch up with people that she cares about.


As this was Sonali’s first fundraising project, she learned a lot from this experience. First and foremost, she learned that she enjoyed fundraising and it was something she was interested in teaching to others. She learned how to make people empathize for a certain cause and make use of ethos pathos and logos.


As mentioned by Sonali herself, “Be yourself, and don't be afraid to promote! Be genuinely excited about the cause you choose.” If you are excited about what you are doing, people will surely reciprocate your energy and enthusiasm.


Sonal’s project not only raised $2200 towards fighting insecurity in Wake County during the pandemic, but it was truly an eye-opening experience for her that inspired the start of General Services Foundation. Brainstorming a project with a friend as well as the General Services Foundation board can go a long way! If this project inspired you to start a fundraiser of your own, that is amazing! The General Services board is always here to assist you with starting your own service project.


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